Sorry for posting this so late. I have been busy with some other projects. This assignment is centered around writing with subordinate modifying phrases (not subordinate clauses). The subject matter is open. Use the subordinate m.p. to extend your ideas or descriptions.
For those of you who want a copy of the notes from the last class, you can download them here:
Please tell me if there are any problems retrieving the notes.
The audience, sitting close to one another in the darkness, staring at the big screen, holding their breaths, wondering what was going to happen next, smelling some sweet popcorn from somewhere behind, suddenly screamed out loud at exactly the same moment when a cockroach was crawling under their seats, trying to get to its drain pipe, where its family dwelled for this summer, whose ancestors came from Germany centuries ago, an ancient species, still existing on the earth, one of the most widely spreading insects in the world, regarded as a “living fossil.”
Across from the movie theater, a classical piano piece is playing at the riverside cafĂ©, the river bathed in soft moonlight, the moon, a round object that moves around the earth once every 28 days and shines at night by light reflected from the sun among the thousands of millions of stars in the space, the sun, which the creatures on the earth rely on, the most intelligent creature, human beings, at about two hundred years ago in Germany, one of the greatest musicians, Beethoven, composed a sonata for his forbidden, despised love, titled the ”Moonlight Sonata” by a later publisher.
At the MRT station a young woman with blue dress carried a big bag,
holding a little girl with red dress, carrying several bags of department store, abiding by the direction of sign of MRT station quickly entering the gate of the train as soon as she could. The young woman with long wave black hair discovered the empty seat at first carriage pushing the little girl to sit beside an old woman with wrinkle face and shabby coat, the old woman staring at the little girl unfriendly, opening her mouth with a big yawn, showing lack of tooth of her mouth to the little girl, her radical eyes glittering queer light, her face emerge a crafty smile. The little girl was astonished by the old woman’s peculiar action glaring back at the old woman, not a while, the little girl making a loud crying, astonishing the passengers in the train. Some of the passengers sat surround the little girl all coming to comfort the little girl, hitting lightly the little girl’s round face, touching the little girl’s head, soon she appear a cheerful smile. Her mother felt awkward, hitting lightly the little girl’s face, appreciating the passengers’ kindness, putting some of the department store bags on the floor of the train, some of the boxes in the bag falling on the floor, rolling to the in front of the passengers’ feet. Again these passengers stand up and then bent down to pick up all the boxes for the young lady.
At the MRT station a young woman with blue dress carried a big bag,
holding a little girl with red dress, carrying several bags of department store, abiding by the direction of sign of MRT station quickly entering the gate of the train as soon as she could. The young woman with long wave black hair discovered the empty seat at first carriage pushing the little girl to sit beside an old woman with wrinkle face and shabby coat, the old woman staring at the little girl unfriendly, opening her mouth with a big yawn, showing lack of tooth of her mouth to the little girl, her radical eyes glittering queer light, her face emerge a crafty smile. The little girl was astonished by the old woman’s peculiar action glaring back at the old woman, not a while, the little girl making a loud crying, astonishing the passengers in the train. Some of the passengers sat surround the little girl all coming to comfort the little girl, hitting lightly the little girl’s round face, touching the little girl’s head, soon she appear a cheerful smile. Her mother felt awkward, hitting lightly the little girl’s face, appreciating the passengers’ kindness, putting some of the department store bags on the floor of the train, some of the boxes in the bag falling on the floor, rolling to the in front of the passengers’ feet. Again these passengers stand up and then bent down to pick up all the boxes for the young lady.
Holding a glass of wine, well dresses-up, setting at the dinner table, decorated with flowers and lighted candles, with the candlelight flattering to her skin, she waited for her husband to come home, to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Time passed on, and the candles fully melted, he however did not show up as promised. She realized that it was the end of their unhappy marriage which she had exerted all her effects to save without success. Regina
He went to speak to Mrs. Bean who was tiny among the pillows; her small toothless mouth was open like an “o,” her skin was stretched thin and white over her bones, her one eye and the other huge one which sockets were in a fixed, infant-like stare, and her sparse white hair was short and straggling over her brow.
John, the racing car racer, always drifts his lovely, pretty vehicle as his girl in the dark shadow and passed through every dark tunnel furiously. His face looked as serious as worrying about the sky is going to full down anytime and everywhere. He then stepped on the gas when the crying beast screamed out, mumbled the pain it stood, trying to remind him the endless fire devoured the entire path through death. Of course he knew, he hardly stepped on it still as well as his heart was ever hardly broken by her curl actions, so the night was lighted by its fluctuated spark at every turn. Metal noise described the scars on its body and he couldn’t violently treat it. However, all scars on his mind can never be forgotten laughed at the beast why it can’t overcome difficulties. Next turn was over 180 degrees and he wasn’t sure he could make it at the fast speed, but no cells would fear because their life belonged to death already. After a short thinking, he broke a little and turned the wheel without hesitation and the car and the wind were both screaming. He knew his life was as hard as passing this turn, but he still wanted to risk. His heart beats could hardly stop as if Dow Jones declined without stop. The beast ran, ran, ran, over the darkness, and he made a deep breath after he knew he succeeded. Beyond all roads he passed, he doubted a rainbow would appear after the storm in the end.
When he was little, he sucked at math. Math killed his childhood, and he didn’t have any fun at all. He was all busy going into all kinds of class from outside, like Chinese, English, and Math. Math was very difficult subject than ever. He just didn’t get it, no matter how anyone taught him. Why he said that? Because he had a bad experience with Math, he once told me, “I just don’t get it how these numbers changes into another difficult patterns or numbers.” In fact, because of math, he screwed all his other subjects. He didn’t have any confidence after all. His confidence was all gone missing. If anyone mentions math or his childhood, he has a strong negative reactions; he doesn’t want to talk about it. He has a horrible memory for that time.
David wore the suit with white gloves, tied the red tie, looked very formal and handsome, but some nervousness, anger, and regret showed on his face. He stood next to a bride who has a waved golden hair coved with the bridal veil, wore the beautiful big size white wedding dress to cover her pregnant belly, took a bridal bouquet, and looked very happiness. When the music started, David held her hand and walked in the church where the ceremony was to be held, looked at the just clergyman, listened the claps and hail from the relations who came to celebrate. What a wonderful wedding! David didn’t think so, he felt terrible and wanted to cancel the wedding, but he couldn’t. The clergyman was well-prepared to testimonialize the marriage, the relations was expecting the wedding, and the bride was waiting to marry the man who made her pregnant was standing in front of the clergyman. David really hates the guy- his son in-law.
Old John sat on a wooden chair placed in the middle of the room, pieces of block lost from the corner of its rear leg, the left, unveiling the secrets of the texture not told by the carpenter, the deep furrows gathering like twinning brothers in a narrow birth canal, like stones magnetizing one another, leaning upon each other, soaking together in the chilly air, the temperature congealing the fingers of a trekker, struggling ahead on the land of Arctic, or the temperature in a glimmering home in a rain season, probably in winter, when the concept of father started to tiptoe away, and the sunshine yet knocked on the door behind the thick and dark clouds, the moisture as in the cold jail in the basement, where a man crouched in the corner within the shadow, lifting up his eyelids, lighting up a cigarette, the smoke encompassing his deep-colored face, full of wrinkles, noticing themselves as if with memories, scratched, twisted, yet remaining the status of proud, telling the stories of the man quietly.
As usual, dyanamic(one meditaion name) finishing at 7:00am, I did it, walking out from the buddha hall, designed by one German sannyasin(disciple), without any pillor, few thick,strong iron line holding the tent like roof, white marble floor, enclosing by mosquito net as wall, could see and feel the changes of light from dark slowly turning to the first glimmer of dawn ,trees, open sky, and soft,misty nature through the net at the 4th stage of dynamic, along the path to a drinking water station, taking a clean black plastic cup, filling with water from top, hloding the cup, sipping while I was walking towards my locker, passing a plaza, looking up accidently, amanzed by golden lights shedding as veils between leaves, the shape and color of leaves appeared by the tender morning light as monther's hands that touch not only leaves but everything it can reach, feeling that I have opened my eyes for the first time in my life, seeing a woman who is standing in a office on the second floor, wearing a maroon robe, holding a cup, looking out from big glass window at me, sharing the mystery(secret) of life(nature) between us.
Bending my body down, tipping on my toes, leaning body forward, fingers right behind the white line on the ground, I am well prepared. I made myself as if it is a actual competition while practice, the way I walk onto the runway, the way I look toward to the goal line, the way I bend my body down, I take it earnest. Training myself to have the immediately action right after the gun shot, absorbed eyesight, perfect 90 degree angle of my elbow, slightly incline shoulder, I visualize myself of a leopard on the pasture land. Imaging myself running though all the other competitors, the voice that crowds cheering for me, the goal that is waving at me, it is all my vision of success! Now I am walking toward the point of departure, get into the position, bending my body down, tipping on my toes, leaning forward, fingers right behind the white line on the ground, and “Bang!” I see myself running toward the victory.
Her quick steps came to a long pause when her eyes caught the tall Christmas tree by the department store. Thousands of tiny blue light bulbs wrapped around and covered the Christmas tree, making it seem like the immense galaxy with little shinning stars scattering throughout the entire space. The red star on top would be Mars, among which held the strongest and brightest glow. The yellow and red glass baubles that hung randomly on the tree became different planets located light years away from earth. And earth, was the inflatable crystal ball with artificial white snow dancing around inside. The smiley snowmen would be the blithe astronauts who had been traveling up and down between the stars since the beginning of the Christmas season. Just when she wanted to take shot of this beautiful scenery, people were constantly showing up in frame. Then, she observed the busy crowds that surrounded the amazing silver galaxy and crystal earth. It was perfect, she thought, they were just what they were.
When the maudlin song plays, like a black hole in the outer space, my mind sucks me back to the very spot where our fingers met, tapes of our innocent youth reviving in my head, down in the interminable long alley, where we've lost our first kiss, right beneath the dim moonlight. Yet that pair of hands that held each other tight, was let gone and never met again.
My first love in heaven, must be sweetly looking down at me. With the melody still playing in my ears, I don't think I'll be back. I won't even be coming back. All my luggage are ready downstairs, I went back to the house alone to shut the door for the last time. The sun rays hit the empty house but why do I feel like it's too dark? And then I rest my gaze on the bed, on the table, on these stationery things that won't move that won't speak and I feel sick. I guess, this is the final time I'm pulling the door of Block 841 shut behind me. The last time. So I took one hard glance at those things, those things that I can't take with me, those feelings that I left behind, those memories that I forsake, and the love that died with death.
Sheba’s syntagmatic & paradigmatic sentences
The light brown male heron stood on the edge of the fountain in the park, singing his courtship song, flapping his colored spotted wings, stamping his courageous dancing steps, the slow Waltz paces gliding elegantly along the pool, the quick Sasa twists swaying excitedly on the low fence, the Dreher spins rotating zealously around the square, faster and faster frantically, till his treads slovenly and confused, stopping eventually.
Last sunday I spent whole day in the garden watching thousands of ants cwawling up the trunk of the tree, the tree has grown against a wall of the house,a little square wooden room with no windows, there was nothing at all in the house, nothing but the dirt floor and the rotting wooden walls, and the dry, deserted smell of the earth that has long been covering from the sun at the quiet place, the kind of humming quiet that flies, bees and birds make, then I saw that the ants had dicovered a new route, they were climbing up the wall of the house and then on to the leaves of the tree.
People sometimes leave unwanted objects in drawers and cupboard for years, things owned for a long time are full of associations with the past, perhaps with relatives, who are dead, some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste, those consist of, stamps, records,glasses,etc...there is always something to do to connect those together; collecting, it provides relaxation for leisure hours, there is also other benefits,one wants to meet collectors, to get advice, to exchange articles, to show off the latest find, that make one's group of friends grows, and then leads to travel to search of a rare specimen, if successful, self confidence grows, it makes a person contented and no time for boredom. (Developing skill)
I used to get up early, enjoying the scene entangled with twilight and shadows, breathing the smell mixed with mist and dewdrop, listening the tranquil sound of the wind, gently rustling leaves, softly massaging rivers, and mischievously scratching my ears.
Taking the escalator up, he coughed badly, inhaling an unexpected disgraceful smell, coming from nowhere, smelling like the mixture of poo and spoiled fruit, desperately seeking an away out, like a drowning swimmer struggling for the last breath. Right before he moved his step, the lady who stood one step above him rushed out of the right side line first, rapidly running toward the end of the escalator. Smothered in the horrible smell and locked by the lady, aggregately upset him, but maybe she had smelled the same thing, wasn’t her quick footstep saying that she was overwhelming by the odiously aroma as well. Now, he felt better because he was not the only one suffering, and finally he got up on the last step, as soon as the lady had gone the smell disappeared which made him wonder did that lady run for the unbearable smell or her embarrassment - maybe she was that “farting butcher.”
A tired woman lied her back on the bed, feeling exhausted all over her body, pain in her curved spine and her left hip joint, it painful aching from the core of the bone, it inescapable creating sore feeling on her left, tense muscles on her lower back held together to avoid more unease, they linking to the front muscles which constantly intertwined from her work stress, they relaxed when she’s telling the muscles to let go, difficult for her to stretch when the left hip joint differed from the right one, even difficult to put this bone back to its original place after getting a car accident, suffering from her old body used too over, seriously she found she needs to rest more and take everything easy.
While I was walking on the street, these two-dimensional signs capture my attention dramatically. These signs are a new kind of advertising medium, which was inflatable billboards with a picture- a young woman sits along and sips from her coffee cup chipped along the rim. The young woman, a simple, beauty, thin, holds the coffee cup as if this picture displays coffee products. Carefully I read the few words on the dramatic picture, those words goes,” healthy drink.”
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