First Writing Assignment:
A diary entry written as a ten to twelve year old child. The entry should establish a clear time and place setting and should be primarily descriptive. Due midnight Sunday October 18th. Length: approx. 250-300 words
Paul has been teaching public speaking and conversation classes at Chung-Deh for 8 years.
Sheba’s Diary on September 01, 2000
After two months summer break, I returned to school on Monday, the first day of September. I was waked up by Mom at 6:30 (I really hate to get up so early in the morning.) and was fed with a burned toast and fried eggs. (Mom didn’t make breakfast for so long that she couldn’t even toast bread. How sad!) I arrived at school at 7:30. To my surprise, they renovated our classroom. The wall was glorying with a light ivory’s hue and the window frame was light green. There was a big book shelf standing against the wall. (It was as big as the one in the library.) The classroom was totally new and gorgeous!
I was so excited to be the fifth grader. Since I did a great job on my study last term, Mom allowed me to join the Ping-Pong club this term. (Last term, I got an average of 99.8 points. I was the top one of the fourth graders in the school.) Of course, she said that I have to keep studying hard as before. Otherwise, I have to quit the club. (Well, it’s not a big deal. I’m clever enough anyway.) I love to play Ping-Pong. I like dancing around and jumping a little, and I like watching the ball bouncing on the table while I play it. Mr. Shen, the coach, said that I would be a great player if I could practice it two hours four days a week. Well, here I come, Mr. Shen. I won’t let you down.
Oh, however, I had to complain one thing that Mrs. Lin did a lousy seat arrangement this time. She actually had that naughty Steven to sit besides me. She even wanted me to help his study. I’ve never liked Steven. He drives all of us in the class crazy because he’s lazy, dirty and noisy. He simply cannot sit still or keep his mouth shut. Last term, he made Miss Yeh cry in front of the class because he didn’t obey her instruction to paint his picture, but instead he painted on several students’ shirts. The red, green and blue paints were dripping all over on the floor from the shirts. I can still hear the shout, the cry and see the chaos he caused in the class and in school as well. (I just didn’t understand how school and his parents could bear with him.) Oh, God, I hope you can change her mind.
But, there is one thing that I’d like to mention about. It’s a piece of wonderful news that Alice (She’s my best friend in the class.) is coming to the club with me. (Her parents are so kind to her. Whatever she asked they would allow her to do.) From now on, not only can we study together, also we can play Ping-Pong together as well. Moreover, she’s going to share her MP4 with me. I’ll be able to listen to “The Little Mermaid” in school. Isn’t that wonderful? (She’s truly the best friend of mine.) I just can’t wait to see her tomorrow.
Before I go to bed, dear Lord, I beg you to change Mrs. Lin’s mind and have Alice sit beside me. Please!
Arron's Diary
July 23, 1990, Sunday
Today I woke up very early because my mom yielded at me for going to a short trip. It was a week after the beginning of the summer vacation, and my mom said yesterday that she wants to have a trip tomorrow (tomorrow!?..willful woman). Actually, I’d rather play Nintendo all the day because I have a Super-Mario mission to take. Disregarding of my reluctance, I was dragged to the bus station and we were ahead somewhere now.
Somewhere? I guess it’s in the mountain, my mom say it’s called SITOU. We hiked up-and-down the mountain and enjoyed the forest garden for the whole afternoon. After a day’s walking, I felt tired after all. The weather was not so shining in the morning, and started to be dim after lunch. I looked up, it’s windy for a while, and started to trickle, finally I could barely open my eyes – just like washed by tears, although not as salty as that. Mom forgot to bring an umbrella with us (not me!). I pinched off a big leave and we plodded in the rain. It’s like I was fighting between the big rainfall and my mom for the leave.
Finally we reached the exit and took a bus in the heavy rain. The bus ran down the mountain pathway, and it still rained cats and dogs. (Why no cats and dogs screaming?). I remembered trees and sunlight altering outside of the foggy window, and we were on our way home, in the process of feeling sleepy.
Kristine's Diary
25th September, 2000
I am so excited about the release of our class publication. Today, when Mrs Tan showed us the final pieces written by everyone that will be published for the school to read, I felt so happy, because we're finally done with this big project! But sometimes I wish that I can write as well as the others. I had to do a lot of corrections before my poem is good enough to be shown. Unlike people like Joel, even though his poem is almost like a joke, at least he made everyone laughed, and i can tell that Mrs Tan is pleased with his creativity.
「Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a pail of water.
Don't know what they did up there
And came down with a daughter」
Joel is so funny! (But of course I won't tell him that he's funny, or else he'll think that I like him.) See what i mean? Even a wrong piece of work seemed a great work to me (it's just that it's not appropriate), and everyone in class was laughing! We laughed so hard until the roof tumbled down, and doors was shaking. (Just kidding.) I felt so sad when Mrs Tan kept telling me these days that i need to buck up on my English. Every time she bring this up, I will be reminded about the incident when i failed to pronounce 「probably」 correctly. She corrected me at least a hundred times but I don't know why i kept saying 「probly」 or 「probabaly」 instead of just 「probably」.
I'm glad to have JC (We have three Jonathans in class. Jonathan Chan, Jonathan Teo and Jonathan Gan. So Mrs Tan called them JC, JT and JG respectively. I think JC sounds best among the three.) sitting beside me. He is the only partner i have so far that always offers to lend me his Spelling and Dictation book back home for corrections. He is also the only boy in class with neat handwriting. I wish we can talk more in class though. If only I wasn't in St.Hilda's, where it is an English school and we are not allowed to speak in Mandarin during class, I would be more confident to speak up. Mrs Tan wrote in my report book that I need to be more vocal in class. They don't understand. I can't express myself in English and I always make mistakes.
Talking about speaking in Chinese, GK (We have three Graces in class too! Grace Khoo, Grace Guu and Grace Chin) is simply a good friend to be with. We had recess together today, and she is the only one who will talk to me in Chinese (most of the time). Phoebe is okay. Pamela is simply WEIRD! And she has yellow teeth and bad breath! And i can't stand it! Pamela has no manners. I was asking GK whether or not we should tell her about her bad breath, and she just ask GK 「what did she tell you?」 in a demanding tone. Oh boy, Why can't she try to change some of her bad ways, or why can't she try to be nice as GK, Nicky or Vicky? Anyways, let's not talk about her... let's talk about GK! She's good in sports (our favorite game is Captain's ball, and we are always the leader of the team), and since everyone says we look alike, GK has made me her half-sister. She's the older one, but I'm the taller one! I hope I can be her best friend in school.
I can't wait for tomorrow to come! We don't need to wear our uniform and everyone in school will be in civilian clothes. I think I want to wear my heart-shaped necklace and earrings, and the blue cotton knitted blouse mommy bought for me. I wonder what will Joy Yong be wearing tomorrow. She is the prettiest girl in school and I bet she'll be wearing something really stunning, because she has always been the star.
August 18th, 1966
Dear Diary,
I was awaken by the noisy crowds that marched through the streets today. Father later told me they were called the Red Guards, who were students only a few years older than me. Just when I was taking a peek from the window, I spotted mother rushing back home. I was shocked because there was dirt all over her white dress, and half of her short hair was shaved. She hadn’t spoken a word since she returned from school, though I could hear her sobbing throughout the day from outside of her bedroom. Father came home and was very angry. He said that there was no more respect for the people who were educated. In the evening, the crowds were finally dismissed, though leaving the traces of burned books and ashes sweeping through the roads. Father said that we should also have our books thrown away too before the Red Guards come again. Shortly after father and I cleaned the study room and threw all the books away, I caught his eyes lying on his beloved violin. Then, he lifted the violin to his shoulder, leaned his chin on the chinrest, and directed the bow to almost touching the strings. But unlike usual, there was no music. After a long pause, father finally placed the violin back into its case and said, “This, also has to go.” Although there were so many questions in my mind that really needed to be answered, I knew it was not the right moment—at least not tonight. Without father’s books and violin, the study room had become boring and dead. As I watched my father back while he returned to his bedroom, I wondered when would I hear him play the violin again.
1Oct 22th. 2007 Mimi
On the way to piano class as usual, I passed the central park.
It was autumn again. All the leaves on the trees were falling down on the grass.
Almost all the colors of the leaves turned into yellowish brown and have been blown by
the wind. Many trees are in the park. Some of them stood on the sides of the
park, some of them were gathered in the center of the park, and some of them were
positioned in the park sporadically
Passing the center of the park, I saw a flock of pigeons were shaken by my heavy
steps flying into the sky.
After taking the bread from my school bag, I tore them
into pieces, and threw them on the ground. The pigeons amassed on the grass to
eat the bread. While I fed the pigeons, I saw a girl about my age sitting on the
bench and smiling at me. Every time I passed the park, this girl always sat on the
same bench. She usually watched what I was doing without any facial
expression. Because she is about my age, I always notice her. Today she acted
differently, she is not only smiling at me, but is also walking towards me. She said
hello to me and told me that she had seen me for almost half a year and I always
did the same thing .
She said today she had nothing to do. Could she accompany me for a walk through the park? I agreed with her suggestion. Then we both started walking through the park, at
the end way of the park the girl told me her name. Her name is Jenny. She said that she hopes to see me next time.
With no reply , I just wave my hand and said goodbye to her.
Friday, July 14, 1995/ Rita
I have talked about Dar Dar all day long, and I could not wait to go home to see him. After the school bell rang, I rushed to the bus stop. Even though I was trapping in that horrible traffic jam, all my mind was full of his cuteness, like his charming face, soft hair and his pink tender paw. My dearest puppy- Dar Dar, how can he be so gorgeous?
While I was standing on the bus and stared thinking about that if I trained him for couple more days, he could probably be an animal star. I will take him to an audition to represent some well-known dog food brands. I bet they have never seen such lovely puppy. Then maybe the director will ask me to act as well. Chasing behind him, matching the color of my clothes with his color, then he will run in the front and I follow behind. By the time, we are going to be the movie stars. Oh! That is so cool!
We will be the perfect partners in a show business because we have many things in common. We both like to eat hot dogs, sleep on the floor, bark (yell) at people and ignore my mom. He goes mad when he can not go out, so do I. He gets scared when he sees a cockroach, and so do I. I could not believe I am able to find my sold-mate so easily.
Finally, I got home, “Oh! My God!” I could not believe my eyes. He split my slippers, scratched the sofa and pee every corners in the house. I shouted “I hate you; I will lock you until the day you know what a toilet means. And you do not even think about to be an animal star, you, such a little dirty thing” I cried.
Regina's Diary
Tuesday 20091013
Today is the first day of school, new English teacher (Mr. P), new classmates (I didn’t really mean that), just over a summer, all of them grow taller and taller, and have sprouted a beard, smell with shaving cream, only me still fat and short as same as last semester.
First lesson Mr. P frowned with severity said: everybody must be handed in the homework go through e-mail before Sunday midnight, or have to stay after the class till finish the homework if you didn’t hand it on time. (I think he was bluffing, there is nothing to fear)
I was always constantly bullied at school since last term, just like my older brother always said to me: what’s a disgusting object! There is no way to avoid it. I’m a loser! I could kick myself! I don’t want to go to school anymore! I’m serious!
I asked my mom, how I become a tall and handsome person, and gain the heart of a pretty girl, my mom said “If you work out regularly and eat well, you will have your request, and you are the one of best boy in the world in my eyes, one day you will meat a beautiful girl, don’t worry about that.” Mothers always consider their own children the best, so it looks like my mom is not going to be any help, and that means I have to solve all the problem by myself.
Maybe I can take Kung- Fu class and practice hard, and you’ll see who is stronger if I keep this up. One day I could be a real threat.
By the way, our permanent seats, I just sit in the middle of the pretty girls in the class, and the most popular girl in the school-Rose she just sits in front of me. She attracted many admirers, and I’m also a secret admirer of her. Her smile is really charming, and I feel that I can breathe easier every time when I saw her smile, and that smile is the only reason to encourage me to go to school continually.
Tuesday, May 8,1969
Today,father is on night duty. He is not going to come home.
In day time me-lun showed me the new sequal of the comic book we read recently. She had just bought it yesterday. So after school I went to the comic rental bookshop I usually go to get that one. I went there by myself. I felt a little strange because this need to hide from my parents.
I am not very tall but I don't like to sit too close to the dais. Usually the seats arrangement acording to the height, I always insist to line behind someone tall so I can get the seat on the last row. I can be far from teachers. Because of this, the classmates who sit near me are all quite tall and two of them are actually one or two years oldre than me. They look more mature than most of classmates in our class. Few of us become closed friends after sitting together for almost a year.
In the school they are not only just reading comic books behind teachers, sometimes they passed some pictures to each other underneath and wouldn't let me see.(Actually me-lun showed me one of the pictures once, but I can't really look it . I don't know what it means.) They hided it form me. I felt a little bothered by it.
I am afraid of the days when father is home. He looks always unhappy. I felt afraid when he got angry and louder his voice. I often hope he doesn't come home. Father need to be in night duty every second day, so he come home when the night he doesn't need to be there. (It's not good to write about this, so I need to hide this dairy safely.)
Monther told me, be a good girl, be quiet, don't make your father angry. I am a good girl, I am not going to make father unhappy.(But many times I couldn't keep my words, I do many things they may not like me to do or lazy to do the things they would like me to do. Something like reading comics and buying snacks are probably not allowed.)
Anyway I read the comic book and I played with mao-mao and other neighbors after school and I have finished my homework. I go to sleep now.
Sunday, 20th september 2009
Dad had a meeting and mom with her friends . I was alone with general A (the plastic soldier statues) in my tiny room in the silent larger house for hours.
I stood still when I was going through the window and looked forward to the yard of my next door through the window , two boys same as my ages were playing cops and robbers, slovenly dresses, dribbling sweat. They were chasing and creaming , despite, they’re felt tired but they were still playing and their faces looked happy. Plastic guns, knives, soldier statues lied around the yard where they were playing. Their mother was laundrying, and sometime she glanced at them with tender eyes and happy smile on her face. I didin’t know how long I stood there but I felt hungry and thirty. My mother had prepared a bread and ham for my launch . I ate alone slowly , in spite of the food was delicious and I didn’t felt delicious at all . The sound of laugh still resound on my ears . after lunch, I went back my room, looked around the tiny room with a lot car, robot toys, and plastic soldier statues which were arranged tiny on the table; they looked soulless and I felt didn’t want to play anymore .
I steped inside my room and walked forwards the table, and I kicked the table; the plastic soldier statues on the table droped down and lied around the room. “That’s it” I said, and naturally, I was felt comfprtable , looked into the mirror which was opposite the table I saw myselt was smiling on my face and I like that.
July 10th, 1998
That was the most adorable thing I have seen in my life: my first hamster— Fluffy. I have never had a pet before, I mean a real pet (not like turtles or fishes, they are not fun). We got it from our neighbor, which is a really friendly woman who always shared good stuffs with us (she once backed chocolate cookies, she is so nice). And Fluffy was one of their hamster’s new born baby.
The first character I notice on Fluffy was that it’s so energetic. Me and dad put it in a big paper box (mom dares not to touch it) to let it have more spaces to run. But what surprised me the most was it actually run, and it’s unbelievable to see that little tiny thing runs so fast, seemed like there are some scary animals is chasing after it. After few minutes, Fluffy finally slows down, laying its tiny body besides the wheel.
Fluffy has become one of my best friends. I like to put it beside my desk when I am doing my homework; I like to touch its head when it is sleeping (so it won’t move). I love it as loving myself. It truly is the most adorable thing I have seen in my life.
Unmani ‘s diary Sunday October 18, 2009
7 o’clock morning. It is sunny and bright. I will go out with mom and my little yellow today to a park on the special day. I love to go out with him everywhere. It’s always the best to have him around. Mom agreed that I can have him with me whole day on my 11th birthday. She often gets mad if I only spend time with my sweetest doggie.
10:00 ,when we stepped into the park, I saw many many blind people in this park. One man has an ugly face. Very wired!!! It’s like a monster. I hid my head behind mom and stared at him few times. I hope he didn’t know I was looking at him. Most of them are normal like the blind(eyes up-looking). Fewer are like mom and me. We seem the same. I don’t know why they became blind. They have beautiful eyes and beautiful faces. So I think the blind are bond to have ugly faces( for most people).
Mom said,” they are going to have a nice meeting later.” I don’t know how they can play game if they don’t see it. One man with the blindfold held the blind woman’s arm in front of him. Then, they started to move forward. The blind can walk very fast if they have their sticks. I was so excited how the blind took people into steps. More, they sat down in a big circle and played the baseball which is ringing in a loud noise when it moves. So, they can hear where the noise from in order to hit the ball. I didn’t know this secret ---they can play a ringing ball!
And I saw a beautiful Labrado (dog) next to a blind man. The dog walked very closed to his master. Almost right next to him. Mom told me that dog is special for the blind to walk safely. I don’t know if my doggie can be one day like this Labrado. I touched my little yellow’s head and gave him a kiss.
It’s 9:00 in the evening. My 11th birthday…
Grace’s Diary
After three constant raining days, the sun, to my surprise, cast the first few rays of dawn shining through the window when mom woke me up. I jumped up from my bed, staring at the blue sky and the lawn bathed in the sunshine.
“How come!? ” I whined. I felt dizzy, my head aching, my brain buzzing, my breath hitched. I’ve prayed for three days that it keeps raining so that the dodge ball game could be canceled. You have no idea how I hate this barbarian game! Last month, Jason, the boy who is only 3 months older than me but weighs 30 pounds more than me, hit me directly on my right hand wrist, forcing me to be left-handed for a week!
And he felt no regret about it, annoyingly keeping bragging that he’s the best dodge ball player in our class. Oh, how I wish I could grow up ! Then I won’t have to stand this boring game and this shallow-brained person.
Sep.11, 2002
Miss Chen introduced a new transfer to us. Her name is Mary. She seems very shy. When Miss Chen let her introduce herself, she squirmed with embarrassment and got a nervous stammer. While Miss Chen tried to comfort her, Dick, Dickon, and Dean (The three most irritating boys in ours class. So we call them three D-emons ) hummed a song purposely:
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.
Oh, poor Mary. I could see her eyes filling with tears. How long does it take for these boys to not to get people nuts?
December 25, 2001
Every year Christmas day is an important day in western countries. Everyone is very busy shopping and gets lots of presents to each other. Of course, that is before Christmas. I remember I was one of them, too; I was very busy because they shopped, and I shopped, too.
They also told me Santa Clause is an important character on Christmas. He would come in the middle of the night and give everyone presents. If we were not good, Santa Clause wouldn’t come. We had to be good so he would come and give us good presents. After they told me about this, I actually believed because I wanted presents. The next day I got awesome presents from Santa Clause and I was so happy and excited. I had a wonderful day.
It was the first time I celebrated a real Christmas. I didn’t know how they celebrated traditional Christmas. First, we had to get presents for the people we were going to celebrate with. Everyone had to force themselves to go shopping and get presents but it may not have finished in one day, so they continued to shop the next day and tried to get everything done on time. The next step was to wrap all the presents because we couldn’t let other people know what we got for them. I was glad that I did finish everything on time but I was very tired after all. In the end, everyone opened all the presents but I was nervous because I didn’t know if they liked it or not.
After Christmas, I have understood the presents were not about everything, it was actually very important for everyone get together chatting and having fun. It was a memorable, cool Christmas I ever had.
Yvonne's diary
Monday, October 12th, 1982
At eight thirty, we gathered in the field and sat on the grass to listen to the principal's speech. Mr.K. told us there was a strong storm on the east coast last Saturday. It brought a heavy rain and cause a flood. Many school children could't go to school because their homes were still in the muddy water and they needed to help clean it up. (God bless! Although I sometimes wish I could stay home for whatever reason it could be. I mean I still feel sorry for them. ) Mr. K. also told us something about the power of Mother Nature, but I didn't get what he meant.
Then a sixth grade boy came up to the stage in front of us. He told a story in German. I kind of liked him because I didn't understand it at all. (When I don't understand a language, I feel it particularly beautiful.) I didn't know what the boy was telling everyone, but I guessed it was a funny story because the girl behind me laughed loud during the story.
It was a comfortable morning. The sun was behind us. The clouds were so white and clean, and they looked like flowers. This kind of clouds are my favorite. They changed shapes with the blowing of winds. The one I saw above the stage was like a sheep. I mean A SHEEP! It was a sheep standing on two feet. And the one above the mountains, to the left of the stage, was like an elephant with its trunk raising high up into the sky.
While I was wondering about the clouds, the applause drew me back to the field. The sixth grade boy took a bow and smiled shily.
Just before the end of the last class today, our homeroom teacher reminded us not to use an umbrella in the school because it could be more dangerous and inconvenient for us. We should bring our raincoats instead. But I need to ask her if I could carry both with me ,since I have my little pink umbrella and my Peter Rabbit raincoat.
August 12th, 2001
Dear Marie,
When I started my book-diary in May of 1965 (I’m not sure exactly date is…) I keep it with great care otherwise mom brought a slipcase for me in order to keep my book clear.
At last, it’s summer vacation, the weather’s not great, but all the kids are having fun outside, why I must stay at home (raining is not a big deal…). Inside my tiny room, playing video games with the shades drawn, playing piano with the white metronome. I have nothing better to do in my life than stand at my bookshelf until 18:00. The rain had continued now and than for five days but I was very excited that aunt who always brought all kind of Barbie and lots of book for me will come tomorrow. Those are the reason why I couldn’t sleep all night Long.
My sister Katy told me that mom brought a dress for her and asked me “did you want see it?” I said, “no.” In this matter, I was really angry with that.
I remember that teacher told all students, “When something happens that is out of your control, then you have to make some kind of decision.”
I wanted to said, “when mom doesn’t love me anymore, then I have to make some kind of fun.”
Marie, Marie, Marie
Only you know how I feel.
You really are a good listener.
Good night, my dear Marie…
Chibo’s Diary
Sunday July 7 2002
At my home all is quiet on Friday. My father is reading in the study. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. My sister is dressing up her doll in the bedroom. My brother is doing a puzzle in the living room. My grandpa is sleeping on the sofa and my grandma is watching TV.
It’s so quiet. How boring! I want to have some fun.””Let’s play hide-and-seek, Tom,” I ask my brother. He likes the idea and says, “OK, you are the thief and I am the policeman. One, two, three… ten. Ready? I am coming to get you, Chibo!” We play and play, run and run, and sing and sing for thirty minutes. Suddenly everybody is in front of us.
“Would you please be quiet? You’re too noisy,” they say.
“That is why we are playing. It’s too quiet today,” We both laugh.
So I and my family are on vacation today. Today we are at the beach. I and my brother like the beach. We are playing in the sand, swimming in the sea and looking for seashells. We are having lots of fun. My father is lying in the sun. He enjoys it very much. My mother is reading a book. My grandpa and grandma are walking along the beach. Many children are playing volleyball on the beach. I and my brother find many new friends there. After a whole day on the beach, My brother is tired, But he is still looking forward to having more fun at the seaside next time.
When the grandfather clock in the hallway on the wall, began to chime, twelve in the midnight. Suddenly, a horrible screaming terrified all sleeping people. She stared the nook of the bedroom with her frighten eyes. Nobody knew what’s happened, because she’s a mental deficiency girl who cannot explain everything. These wicked accidents continued for several nights.
This road was completely deserted deep in the night, I carried her on my back, walk up and down the road and I felt her nails sink into my arms, I tried to calm her but it was impossible. This terrible situation scared her for several times already,
I saw a dark figure under the moonlight with a big bag on his back. I don’t care he’s a thief or the Santa Claus. My back is so painful that I cannot stand up anymore because I was exhausted. I don’t know what can I do at all.
She wanted to tell everyone what she saw in the bedroom, but she cannot speak. She still can feel, she saw it came to the room tried to tell what its needs. Its body was bleeding all over his arm, legs and hair. Its face shows extremely hurting and sore. She is the only communication bridge and hope between it and people. This sad tragedy has to go over and over again till the end of the day.
Several days passed, B caught cold. The fever came upon him at night. The doctor was called, and everything was done that is usual on such occasions. I tried to console myself with the hope that B would get well, and would again company with me, but this seemed to me an unthinkable happiness. And B grew feebler from hour to hour.
I was deep in sleep, then suddenly came awake. The bedroom was completely black because I had closed the wooden shutters to bar the pale lemon light of the moon. There was no sound, just eerie stillness broken now by the racing of my heart. I could feel the presence of someone else in the room. I turned over in the bed, and in the shadows the dim organge of the light from the door, I could see the dark bony face of B. he was sitting on my bed with his back against the window. I reached over and turned on the beside lamp."what was you doing here? Why you didn't sleep? What's happend? Did you want me to call a doctor?" I didn't think much but keep asking. He didn't say anything, just got up and then opened the shutters. The moonlight entered the room like a ghost, appearing and disappearing. "Why dindn't you wake me up?" I asked. " I like to watch you sleep. Sometimes in your dreams you shout out your secrets" he replied. "I never have secrets, even in my dreams" I told myself, and I could hear B' chest rattle with suppressed coughs and indeed his face looked ghastly in the moonlight, the bones skeletal.
On the second week of march in 2007, on the way home I hit B, there was an unexpected accident for a sharp needles in the road. " Are you blind? or your eyes on your feet? kid," shouted him.
On the end of week of march, I was arranged a blind date. I was startled, and when he asked my name, I refused to answer. He gave me a ferocious smile. "When I ask you a question, answer me. If you don't, I'll ....." And then he laughed to show he was joking. he gave me his most charming smile, spoke in his gentlest voice." It's just as I thought...I new that you are not blind," the man, who was hit two weeks ago,said with a embarrassed smile. " What kind of the man? Oh my goodness," I whispered. Considering a while, I said courteously, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Have we met before?" He smiled unbelievingly, "my dear, we have never met. I am B, who was glad to share an experience with the most beautiful girl I have seen in two weeks ago."
Sunlight and air and the noise came through the open window, and I found today the golden sun was glorious, the smell of spring filled the air, and the noise was singing a happy song.
B returned in darness and took me by his arms, then I put my head on hid shouder and said,"I have never been blind, sweetheart."
Grace said...
Leaning from the river, I watched the reflection in the water showing a beauty dressing up. Good. There’s nothing to be desired. Oh, I forgot to check my finger nails. Thank God they’re decent. You have no idea how long did it take me to clean up all the cinders stuck to my fingers before going out. It was my step-mother and the two step-sisters that are to blame. They’re so domineering and demanding, bossing me around doing all chores, which always made me be drenched with dust, and by which they made fun of me. Anyway, I sneaked off this night, eager to see my prince.
I never believed things like ‘love at the first sight’ before, but now, I’m totally subject to my fate. He’s my Prince Charming, I knew that when we first met. In his eyes the passion shone when he gazed admiringly at me. My cheeks reddened recollecting his bold stare at the ball.
Immersing in the sweet memory, I barely noticed the pass of time. It may be nearly the midnight, judging by the position of the moon. Why didn’t he come yet? I stood up, wandering along the bank, disturbed by excitement and subtle disquiet.
Eventually, I heard footsteps approaching from somewhere far away. It had to be him!
I rechecked the make-up I wore, fixed my hair, and was about to welcome him.
‘Oh, Cinderella. Sorry I’m late. You must have been waiting for a long time.’
‘Oh, you’re not late. I was only 5 minutes earlier than you. ’
Oh, speaking to him within such a short distance made me blush.
After apologizing, he took out a delicate envelope from his pocket. It’s supposed to be a love letter for me, I smiled when vanity filled my heart.
‘Umm, this letter…this letter….’ He stammered because of shyness. It might be the first time he expressed his feelings to a girl. The way he talked, I thought, was clumsy but cute.
‘My adoration was well expressed in this letter.” He was about to say the three words, I thought with smiles deepened.
‘Please forward this to your sister, Drizella, for me’
‘What?!’ I was dumbstruck. How could it happen? I was in a fairy story called “Cinderella,” in which I should undoubtedly be the only leading lady, and the prince should fall for me whole-heartedly. There must be something wrong!
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