Write a diary entry from the perspective of an adult. Describe an experience that is fantastic or supernatural. Try to focus on describing the experience objectively. Refer to the writing example we discussed in class.
Paul has been teaching public speaking and conversation classes at Chung-Deh for 8 years.
The alarm clock has fallen onto the floor while I was writing a novel. A loud bang made me jump also disturbs the tranquility of the night. Checking out the alarm clock, I put it back on the desk and back to work, suddenly, the alarm clock started, there must be something wrong-believe it or not- I set the alarm clock for 7 o’clock but now is 12p.m. or so.
As I leaned from the bed my skin was touched by unknown moving stuff around my body as if some disgusting insects get into my body. That strange feeling really make me sick. I almost wish I could be run over so that the fear would disappear.
So I stop writing.
It is the sound like someone knocked my door. That remain me once some dotty old woman who also live in this apartment told me, “take care of yourself, man,” “did you know why your house rent is chipper than others?” while I want to asked her more about this house, she disappear.
What coincident it is. The knock door sound again and I look suspiciously round the room, unexpectedly, the other odd sound that like someone’s nails dug the door became more and more clear and I rush into the bedquilt putting my hands over my ears. The sound seems lower all of sudden…
I turn off the alarm clock, normally; the time is shown as 7 a.m.
On 1852, the elevator has first introduced by a person named Elisha Otis. The elevator had become such a convenient transportation between each floor. It became popular in many department stores, residential, and many high buildings. It’s truly not easy for us to imagine a life without an elevator. Although the elevator is so convenient, in this little small airtight space, it also creates many fantastic matters.
Jack was one of the matters. Recently, Jack just moved out from a small city because of his work. He checked out many different kinds of apartments. Finally he found this very new apartment which has just been completed. According to the leaflet, it only takes 5 minutes to the subway; the view is fine, the price is ideal. So Jack soon arranged a time to take a good look of it.
Few days later, Jack, standing in front of that nice building, holding an umbrella in hand, “Damn!” the whether gets bad ever since he came. This sales man gave Jack the keys, and for some reason he didn’t go with Jack. However Jack did not mind. Later on Jack entered the elevator, pressed button 21, the top floor, waited. The elevator kept going up, the numbers on the apparatus keeps adding. Jack played with those keys. “Ding-dong!” the apparatus shows he is now at the floor 21. “Wow” he thought, this might be the first time he’d been up this high.
He went checking with every single room with excitement. It’s not a big apartment, but it certainly is a perfect place for a single man like him. Then his eyes were attracted by the view outside the balcony. There is no cloud? Beautiful sunshine enters the room with heats. Jack went straight to the balcony and look down, “shit!” he shouted as he dropped the keys out, and the keys disappeared in the clouds. There is nothing beneath this floor. Not even the structure of this building. Jack ran with fear straight to the elevator, hurried pressed button 1, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.
After all, Jack still couldn’t overcome the high floors fears; he chose a small building with no elevators. He barely recalls what had happened that day. Until one day, the electrical machinery staffs went to the top of that building to check the standpipe, noticing that little shining thing sparkling under the sun. It’s the key that reserved for the guest room. The staffs looked up to the sky with confused, there’s nothing above the standpipe, and it’s not possible for anyone to enter here without his guide. “That’s just weird.” He thought. But he didn’t let that thought bother him too long.
December 22nd, 2009
It suddenly started raining cats and dogs this morning when I was already on my way to the bus station. The bus surprisingly arrived a few minutes earlier than usual today after I bought the morning newspaper. Unlike the regular buses I took everyday, this bus looked rotted and antiquated as if it had been burned before. I didn’t care much because I didn’t want to be late to my first day of work. As soon as I stepped onto the bus, I was overwhelmed by the horrible smell of putrid, which almost made me vomit. I told myself, “Focused, focused! Only thirty minutes,” I pulled myself together because I knew I could not afford to lose any time.
I walked hastily to the back of the bus, passing by all the empty seats, and sat down right next to the rusted window and opened it for some fresh air. A few stops later, a young man in a fine business suit came on the bus and sat down next to me. I observed him with the periphery of my left eye: young (perhaps about the same age as me), dark brown hair, and navy blue eyes. I wondered why he chose to sit beside me when all the seats were empty, yet more importantly I was relieved to have someone, not to mention very handsome, accompanied me on this dreadful bus ride.
“Where are you heading to?” The man spoke to me, perhaps he was running late to work and needed to get on this scary bus too. I told him I was going to work, and I was excited because it was my first day of my first job since I graduated from school. He smiled and told me that he just had his first day of work yesterday, but something happened so he did not made it to the office. I felt sorry that he missed his first day of work even though he didn’t elaborate on telling me what exactly happened. Then, we chatted and began to share with each other about some funny experiences we had in the past few jobs.
Next Stop: Central Park
It was my stop, so I stood up and told him it was nice to meet him as I moved to the aisle. “Philip,” he said, “Philip Thomson.” We quickly shook hands before I got off the bus. Immediately, I took a deep breath off the fresh air. Just when I thought perhaps I should at least take a look back and wave goodbye to him, the old bus already disappeared and left nothing behind. I was a bit puzzled, but not puzzled enough to hesitate because I needed to get to work. It wasn’t until I arrived on time to the office, got assigned to my cubicle, and took a glance through the news headline: Early Morning Bus Crush Led To Explosion. The news image showed the bus I rode on today, at least they looked very much alike. Though what shocked me the most was that the name Philip Thomson was included the list of victims. It must be a coincidence. Oh God please, it must be.
Oct 28th, 2001 Mimi
It was fifteen minutes to ten o'clock.I was thinking about wether to open the door
of my room or not. Even though reluctanted to do so. I still had to enter into my
room,because it was time about to go to bed. I had my brother clean it this
moring. My brother told me he couldnot catch it. I was so afraid when I heard
my brother's words. How could I sleep alone with it in a room whole night. I
asked Mom to sleep with me at night. She did not allow me to do so, because
she said I am old enough to encounter the problem . After struggleing a moment,
I desided to enter the room. I entered into my room and went to bed. I covered
my head with blanket. Although it was not very hot, I still had perspiration. I
revealed the blanket from my head viewing around the room. During the night
time it was quiet. I heard the sounds from the clock on the wall loudly and clearl
y. I kept watching an indiction needle on the clock runing. because of the sounds
and it I could not sleep well. As I wanted to find a book to read to kill the time. all
of a sudden it appear. Oh my goodness it appear!
It had white appeareance, very long legs, and big round head. it could walk very
fast I could not tell it was jump or fastwalking. The only thing I know is that it
could walk very fast or jump from left of the wall to right of the wall.It stoped fast
walking after it arrived right of the wall. I was so afriad. I dare not to make any
noise. I walked little step by step silent close to my room door. I softly opened
the door and walked out of the room. After out of my room I screech. My family
were awoke by my scream. My parents and my brother asked me what was going
on. I told them I saw it again. It appeared during the night time.Mybrother told
me don't worry about it. He would catch it immediately. My brother went into my
room. After a while he came out of my room. He told me he could not find it.
There was no thing in my room. I could not believe it had appeared. So I had to
go back to my room. It was midnight. This time I felt very tired so not for very
long time I fall asleep.
I looked at myself in the mirror again.
Good. He is going to love me tonight.
I cannot take my eyes off that girl in the mirror - her eyes staring straight back at me. She seldom had such thick make up on, and the effect it had on her startled even herself. That pair of smoky eyes spoke of such mystery and sparkle, it dazzles. She was wearing her mamma's perfume – a fragrance she would wear only on very special occasions. She was all done up tonight. Even her little pinkie down to her toes were carefully filed and shiny.
I took one last glance at my reflection, and turned away, feeling the corners of my mouth rising.
Two seconds later, the doorbell rang.
I flung open the door and threw myself into his arms. My sweet love, my darling.
We have not met for two months, and I could not wait to feel his warmth. Easy for you to say it was only sixty days, but it felt like I have gone through a century of cold nights and loneliness. And because there was an overwhelming imagination of the comfort he could bring me if only I could feel his embrace again, I did not realize that he felt like marble stone – hard and cold. No wonder he felt so cold. It was past midnight, and the wind was blowing stronger than ever tonight.
His hands found its way to the doorknob, and he gently pulled the door shut behind him. There was no words spoken between us; our deep emotions was left unsaid. We stood standing for a while - still holding on to each other tightly. But there was something unfathomable about his smell. He did not smell like he always did – the smell of his leather jacket and slight tobacco. Instead he smelt almost pungent, and I was taken aback by the sudden gush of acidity when he grabbed me closer to him.
I looked into his inscrutable face as he gave me an enigmatic smile. I could barely recognize him. Then that pair of eyes, that pair of eyes that spoke of peace and warmth and crystal blue suddenly turned bloodshot. Then I forgot how to move. I could feel blood rushing through my veins, yet my body went soft and clammy. His fingers, clenched and unclenched itself. Then he raised his pale bony fingers and started to tousle my hair playfully. I did not know how to react except to anticipate in unknown fear.
In a split-second, his fingers clutched my shoulder caps and gripped me towards him as he tilted his head to bend towards my neck.
Two sharp barrels sunk into my flesh.
I let out a sharp cry, piercing through the darkness, leaving the echoes reverberating through the night.
“Where is Vincent again?” I asked myself. He was swimming around that reef three minutes ago. With such low visibility (8-10 feet), divers could disappear into a void in any minute. “Calm down, Rita! Let’s do the head count again.” Swimming unnoticeably toward to the rest of diving group, divers seemed delightful enjoying that marvelous marine world. However, there was no missed count, I did lose one diver. At that moment, all I could hear were the bobbles, divers’ breathing, which speeded up my heart bit. “Where are you, Vincent?” I asked very disappointedly. Rescuing rule one, do not panic- remember to look for bobbles: the bobbles mean hope. Five minutes passed by; all I could see were rocks and barren sandy bottom. I could not stop thinking about, how much air did Vincent still have? I only had 1000 p.s.i. which meant everybody had to ascend to the surface within fifteen minutes, and so did him. Continuing searching for him around that reef, I did not give up. Finally, in such blur and limited visibility, it seemed that there were some raising bobbles close to a distant rock. On the top of the rock were full of the kelps aggressively reaching to the surface weaving into a roof. The closer to the shadow of the roof I went, the colder the temperature became. But it was not him! I could not believe my eyes because the bobbles were from the gaps of the rocks, and even non-divers know that rocks do not breathe. There was not much time to think. Suddenly, a little sand storm whirling about three feet away from me, I knew there was something moving. That “something” looked like a big tail wiggling, creeping and intermittent moving toward to that huge kelps cave. I urgently chased its covert trace as the last chance to find him. The giant tail moved like a dragon waving up and down vertically, but not horizontally like a sea snake. After the surrounding was getting dark and cold, I realized I followed it into the giant cave. “Wait! Where am I going?” I asked myself. I looked back, the entrance of the cave looked like a huge mouth which was scoping a large volume of water, and the dark tangled kelps were like witches’ hair. Then what was that big wiggling tail? Was it a tongue? With such sickening thought, I was horrified. Depending on the little spare flash light that only brightened for 3 feet, I found myself in a no sound, no light, and no air tunnel. I screamed, but it was useless. Suddenly, a strong current rushed through, I was swallowed down to a frightening place and I saw …
Friday is the busist day of a week in my work. And today is exeally the friday. It's so busy that I didn't have time for lunch. I only take a few of crakers for hunger. I have tryed to do my best, but my boss was still nagging. I had beem already moody, this made me feel even worse. Aomost eight. finally I finished my work. I bought food to take home for dinner and went sleep early.
When I was in half sleep I heard some sound from outside of my bedroom balcony. I rememberd few days ago I heard the sounds also came from ouside my bedroom balcony. The sounds of the steps felt unstable and uneasy . It was around 10 o'clock in the night. I opened my front door to see what is happed. I saw my neighbor's door half open. And I heard sounds of pelple 's talking with intense feelings I couldn't really understand . But the man,my neighbor, usually lived alone and he is a quite quiet person," why tonight it's so many people come to visit him" I asked myself. I felt strange and fear that I don't know what to afraid of. And then I went out to friends house. I felt relief when I went down from the stairs.
Next day I came home, I know my neighbor,the man had already died for 3 days on his bed before his faimly found out. I had notice his door had been slice open for whole day for few days. I felt strange but did nothing. I feel sorry. After thought about this, I got up ,went to toilet. On the way back to my bed, I was going to pass my living room, in the dark, unexpectly I saw a sight of someone's back. He or she sat on my living room's chair, faced window. I was still a little angry from the busy work, who intrude into my house? who is dare? But ....who? A thief? Or ? or....? What? When I back to my feltsense, I was aware I had covered my mouth with my hand and my body had had a slight shaking from cold. I didn't know how long I was standing there. Slowly She turned her face towards me . I thought I will see some one with no face and green light. But no, I saw a face with slight smiling--she is my grandma. Suddenly I felt so touched. Grandma looks so young. Much younger than I can remember. I haven't seen her for a long time. I was going to touch her, but... , a long time? I didn't see her for a long time. Oh, yes, Grandma have died for 20 years, so....when I thought about this, it's gone. I went back to my bed stiffly,lied on my bed, thought I was too tired , for sure, all because I was too tired.
Saturday morning I woke up late, walked to my living room, I saw a scarf. The scarf my grandma used to wear it, I had kept for 20 years in the bottom of my trunk for a memory. I didn't take it out , why ? Why?
“I will come back to find you on the day that you said break up……” I received this message from my ex-girlfriend before she fell down on the top of the building. And her head collided with the floor, when the emergency car was arrived, she’s died. Yes, we had broken up because I have another girl, I discarded her. I even didn’t know that she had our baby that time. But it’s too late. She’s dead. And today was the day she came to find me. I know, I really know……she was come back to revenge me! I was scared, really scared. I asked a spiritualist for help, he told me because she was fell from the roof; I just need to hide under the bed, and then she won’t find me. I did what he said; I hid under the bed in the latest room. At midnight, I heard the door was opened; someone was come inside the house. I was sweated because of scared. I worried about if she was finding me. I heard the sound “Dong! Dong! Dong!” sounds like something bumped the floor. Then the first room was opened, I was on the third room. She knew I was not in side. The sound “Dong! Dong! Dong!” started again. When the sound stopped, the second room was opened. I was nervous and afraid under the bed; “god please, don’t let she find me.” I spoke to the god. Then the sound started. I knew she was entering this room, because the sound was more loud and clear. I held my breath, I afraid that she hears my breath. But, so far, there is nothing happened when she entered this room, even hearing a sound. I waited until morning; I thought she was gone, everything will be fine, and so I wanted to go out of the bed. When I lifted the bed cover, I saw her face was smiling at me. She was up side down; she walked by her head because her head bumped the floor then died. She was find me and looking at me all the night……
Unmani’s fantastic experience
I choked and looked around from the living room window to a corner of the bed of the bedroom. Although everything is replaced by new furniture, one thing can’t change. And it might never be changed. Something supposed to appear in that room, at least which was I expected for since last night. I couldn’t move my legs toward there, I knew, if my heart kept beating so fast. It was pretty bright. But the dread is the same. Still, I felt acceptable to be here at noon, and not at night.
My mother was near me. She herself walked around in peace and checked everything outside material. I was here to check inside invisible. What a extremely different by observing the frightened sense in me and the inquisitive mind in my mother. I must do something before Sun went down (I suddenly remember). I lit incenses with a sense of fear even though I appeared to be cool and centered outside. With a serious manner, I did every detail carefully to not cause any mistakes. The incenses seemed lightening up my subconscious courage somehow. Holding the incenses closely, I forced myself to step into the bedroom. Again, I choked and wished nothing here. I remembered “that” was near that corner, or maybe not, or it may be under the airconditioner. A horrible fear, dark and heavy, overwhelmed my body because I must close my eyes to scam what’s going on inside the bedroom, especially that place. I was closing my eyes and concentrating my mind before my imagination shocked myself to scam the space.
It was a pretty dark and heavy screen when I was facing the bedroom’s white walls. For getting more clear pictures, I did it twice. Fortunately, not seeing anything, I took few pictures of apartment for the end of my duty. And I knew it’s again a challenge to watch these photos. The shadow was waiting to show up ,I know, although my physical eyes could not see.
When I entered the place,
. If I lost, it might come home with me or stay in me
It was such a cold night with a group of friends hanging around in a small pub where is only 10 minutes away from where I live. Sarah, Tommy, Felix and I were all busted after excessive amount of alcohol. It is time to walk home because I need to wake up early so as to finish the unfinished song I promised myself to finish by the weekend. I was walking alone and the weather was so chilly. I was glad the jacket given by my mother had kept me so warm. When I was smiling and walking, I felt a stream of coldness passing to my back. I also heard the stepping sounds from behind. I thought it was just a bypasser. But I turned my head and looked, nobody showed up. My feeling started being towards to something paranormal. I said to myself,” Maybe I had too much drink.”
The 10-minute walk took much longer than I thought. I was at the door, and I was trying to find my key. I couldn’t. So where was my key? All of a sudden, a lady in red dressing like a Victorian period kind of clothing said,” Is this yours?” I saw the keys. Then I answered, “Yes. Where did you find it? Or I left it in the pub?” The lady walked towards me, and she looked like a 21-year-old girl with unhappiness on her face. She handed the keys, gave me a smile, nodded, and she walked away.
I always thought I had too much drink because of the enormous amount of pressure given by the record label. I couldn’t sleep so I kept working with my guitar. I was totally helpless, and a beautiful voice said to me if I should change A to D. I felt so thrilled, and I thought it was something paranormal happening to me. The girl was the one I met at the front, and the voice was from the bedroom, and said,” I am here to help you.” She actually sang the song of what I had been composing but she had changed quite a lot. I could hear the song, and started writing everything down. The song sounded so much better after the correction by her. When I was trying to say thank you to her, and she is gone.
The song was a big hit in 2007, and I had got promoted by the chairman to be a producer. Since then, the ghostly voice from the dark side had been with me for nearly 2 years. She was part of my life for 2 years for helping me with all the ghostly songs which had not only haunted me, but also the rest of the people who like them.
I was lying on the ground, looking up the ceiling. In the dim light, it seemed to be like an old twisting oil painting, sticked with dull colors. I usually liked the illusions that I had after I drank over three bottles of wine. My breaths still smelled like strong alcohol. But the feeling of spinning with a terrible headache made me sick and nauseous. How long had I been lying in this cellar? Where was everybody? I remembered the baron’s beautiful daughter was a great dancer. It was a pity that we had only one dance, the last dance at the party. After that dance, she led me down here. I was so excited because the baron was said to keep a fantastic cellar.
I fixed myself and tried hard to sit up. The only light came from the chink above the stairs, where I didn’t remember I had walked down earlier. The slight light from the chink looked warm to me. I didn’t know how deep in the night it was, but the coldness and darkness in this room chilled me. I tried carefully to touch the piles of bottles and crawled along the lines. While I was getting close to the worn wooden exit above the stairs, a low sound of the cello and some steps from the upper floor cheered me up. Someone was up there.
Before I lifted the wooden board I peeked into the upper room. There was a portrait of the baron’s daughter over the marble fireplace. She was playing the cello in the painting. The fire in the fireplace made the room relatively bright for me. There was an armchair, a tall one, right in front of the fireplace. Then there was a sound of something with great claws scratching walking through the floor. I couldn’t see anyone but a shadow casted on the wall from behind the armchair. I couldn’t help shouting out, but I immediately covered my own mouth . What was that shadow with two horns on the head, and a long tail behind. Was I too drunk? Was it my illusion? It was about to sit down but hesitated a little. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was sitting down with its long tail waving behind the chair, which I could see clearly. Its two horns were so red and sharp. While I was wondering, it started to chew something. C-R-A-C-K, C-R-A-C-K. It threw something hehind. I dreaded the sight of those things. Those bleeding broken bones were just in front of me. I could smell the fresh blood. And this time I cried out loud. Oh, no! It turned around and stood up. The chair was pushed aside. Its flaming eyes stared at the place where I hid. What was it? How could I get out of here?
Night came down cold and dark over the small dowtown. In the deserted apartment out in the north town there was a dusty, stifling atmosphere, and all the window were closed.The winter wind swept across the street and howled around the apartement.
I was deeply asleep when the wind hit a window. I sat up, startled by the sudden noises.A breeze rose from outside like a sigh of sleeper,and then subsideed.Then again a tiny breeze sprang up and brought to my nose the sharp foulness of vomit. Then I heard a sorrowful sob and a noises like someone creeping up on my back.Instantly something whirled in my head, and at the same time I saw something behind the desk in the corner room.Suddenly, everything seemed dead, and I felt it spreading great expanses of cold and darkness. It was nothing and I didn't know what was it? but it was in my room and in front of me. I could smell a breath that brought from the hell with pain, sorrow and regret, I could hear a voice that whispered something horrible in my ears, I could feel it was touching me, but I could see nothing.
Above, no stars appeared.
I found no words, no outlets, I only felt aninsufferable upon my limbs.
Anonymous said:
It was 9 p.m. and I was left alone at home and taking a nap in darkness. Suddenly, the phone rang. I followed the ringing sound of the phone in the gloomy house, and said in unconsciousness, “Hello.” On the other side of the phone, there wasn’t anyone speaking and it was no sound at all. So I just hung up the phone and went back to my room.
Then, the phone rang again. I answered it, but it was terribly silent as if the phone line had just gotten cut on purpose. I kept saying hello for hundreds of times in terror, but there was just no sound. Therefore, I hung up the phone again and I was standing there for few minutes thinking about what it just happened; it might have needed to be repaired.
After that, the phone rang crazily. I didn’t want to answer the phone because there was no point to answer it and what it just happened 20 minutes ago was annoying. But the unstoppable phone ringing drove me insane; I picked it up and cursed whoever was on the other side of the phone. Right after hanging up the phone, it rang again. But this time there was a harsh ghostly laugh. I hung it up so quickly that the telephone fell off from a little table to the ground. That falling sound awfully scared me. The whole situation was wrapped in mystery.
From then on, it was dreadfully quiet that I could even hear the footsteps from upstairs. The phone didn’t ring anymore, and I told myself, “It was completely gone.” Instead, that unpleasant sound from the phone was getting closer around this house. It was so clear that I couldn’t believe my ears at all. I tried to find where the sound was coming from, but I couldn’t find it.
However, I heard someone was trying to open my house door. I had no clue whom it was but he tried so hard to open the door as if it had been going to break in any second. At that moment, I ran into my room locking the door and then used my cell phone to call police. I had a terrible fear. I thought I couldn’t breath and felt like I was going to pass away in any minute. My whole body was shivering, and my heart beat went very quickly. I said to myself, “God, please help me! Don’t let this happen to me, please, please.” The police called my cell phone and said, “We are here at your house door. Don’t be worried and scared. This person was playing prank scaring people in this neighborhood.” After that, I said to myself, I did not want to be left home by myself anymore and I did not want to think about this horrible experience.
When the moonlight spread over the window of my bedroom, making fluorescence overflow my room, I noticed a dim sound coming somewhere far away. And the sound approached as slowly as the movement of the moon, initially following the rhythm of the old wall clock, gradually following each beating of my heart.
It’s probably the sound of the wind, or twigs rubbing against the walls outside. I tried to soothe my agitation, convincing myself it’s totally unnecessary suspicions: I shouldn’t have stayed up so late. The delusion was caused by fatigue. While I immersed in my self-consolation, the doorbell suddenly rang, breaking the short calmness I had.
I reached the door hesitantly, opened the door with fingers trembling. Behind the door was a dark-haired, black-eyed young man clustering a smile across his face. He wore black breeches and a crimson shirt, which is too bold for the time. “Night, lady”, he said with a hoarse voice, “We’re raising funds for the charity. Would you like to buy a rose? ”
I looked up, and his eyes seemed to catch me. They sent shivers down my spine. I tried to keep my eyes down, as was proper, but could not. His eyes were hypnotizing, which forced my gaze not able to move away from them. Then this strange young man handed me a rose, which I took without thinking. I should not have been taking anything from strangers, but the way this man’s eyes caught me had startled me, and I took the rose before I even realized what it was.
It was beautiful- perfectly shaped, just opened, and long-stemmed. For a moment I thought it was deep red, but soon I realized it was black. I watched the rose narrowly: the rose has adorable fragrance and petals as delicate as silk. The color, though, was the color of darkness, death, and all evil things I had been told of: black hearts, black art, black-
Black eyes. Hypnotic black eyes. It occurred to me when one of the thorns caught the skin of my hand, drawing blood, unceasing shedding blood.
The feeling of having your blood drawn out is both seductive and soothing, like a caress and a gentle voice that is in your mind, whispering Relax. It makes you want to stop struggling and cooperate. I would not cooperate. But if you struggle, it hurts. My heart beat faster, from fear and pain and lack of blood. Eventually I lost consciousness.
Sheba’s Horror Story
She emerged from no where. I wandered from which direction she came from. The old keys on the big rusted iron ring clinked in her hands. She, a short skinny old woman, opened the door for me. I watched her crooked back and bended knees, and wandered how old is she, 100 or maybe more. She turned on the light. The switch was on the wall from which the brownish paint was peeled off, which made the room smaller, older and more disgusting. The lighting was not sufficient. I saw there was a bulb of 20 or 30 candle power on the ceiling. I didn’t see any windows but a single bed with a brown head board, a brown desk and a brown chair, nothing more and nothing less. I put my belongings, two sagged cartons, at the only unoccupied corner. In the faint beam, I thought I saw something like dark brown spots on the dark stone floor. I was relieved, though in an old decaying room, eventually, I found a place to rest my tired body, a homeless and jobless woman lying down in a cell-like damp and fusty room. I slept soundly at night.
When I got up in the late afternoon next day, I saw no one in the house which was enveloped in dark curtains. It was deadly quiet; I couldn’t hear any sound. On the floor, in a dirty tin tray, there was some toast in front of my door, with a note it said “Some distinguished guests are coming this night. Stay in the room. No matter what you hear, never open your door till next morning nine.” I was terrified by the weird atmosphere. What a terrible place, or a cursed place it might be? I fled to my dark cell, in fear and alert, my hearing sharpened. I was shivering all over with panic.
What I heard was the crash of the front gate, no other sound or any voices heard. Again, it was dread silence. I become curious, after all, if there are guests, why they remain in silent. I was about to open the door, a freezing air penetrating the whole room from under the gap of the door, a faint cry hardly heard floating in the air, which made me tremble. I went back to and sat on my bed with my hands covered my ears. I didn’t notice that I slept. I was wakened by screams, woman’s shrill screams, and I saw there were fresh red hand prints emerged out from all over the rotting walls. Though it is dark, in the twilit light, I can tell the bloody hand prints on the wall and the blood spots and trails all over on the floor. I see there are several women of various age crawling on the floor, slapping the door and walls, which looks like the scene in a slaughter house. In disbelieving, I open my eyes wide and look at the women, but apparently, they don’t see me. They keep screaming, slapping the walls and trying to escape from the room. Overwhelmed by the terrible horror, my limbs become numb, my brain is blank, and my heart jumps. I cannot image what is going to be happened next.
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