I thought it would be nice to share some classic comedy pieces with everyone. You may be familiar with Rowan Atkinson. These are short 3-5 min audio clips. Give them a listen and tell me what you think. Laughter is good for the soul, after all.
- Paul
- Paul
If you prefer to watch the video you can click on the following links:
I've noticed some have downloaded the Rowan Atkinson comedy clips. I'd really like to know what you think of them. Awfully quiet around here.....
You may see the video on this web:
I like the dancing ~~~ Enjoy it.
-- Sheba
Thanks for that clip. I saw that many years ago. My favorite section is the messenger.
Did you have a chance to watch the ones I posted links to?
I like Atkinson’s performance, which is quite different from Hollywooish comedies. I have to say Atkinson’s acting is very tongue-in-check, and, he also has a unique expression in his eyes. I think perhaps that is one of the reasons why his performance is so sepcial and popular. Ever since I took performance class, I realized that being a good actor is really not easy, especially I have to be one hundred percent to become the parts I play. That is so hard.
Paul, do you remember once in performance class, you played some music, asking us to create a situation with the music? I liked that part because it helped me get into the roles easier. That was inspiring.
By the way, thanks for sharing the clips with us. Those are just as interesting as “The Lift” which you played once.
I think you've described Atkinson's performance very well.
Thanks for the comments on the performance class. I'll be sure to include that activity again.
After I had watched the videos, I watched a couple of Rowan Atkinson’s shows on You Tube, like “ Pink Tights and Plenty of Props”, “The Piano Player.” I could not help laughing when I was watching his shows. He can cheer me up, and there is no denying that Atkinson is really great.
Paul, the following are Atkinson's “Spider--Plant Man” videos'web site addresses:
I am not sure if I did it right, so, if you cannot see it, tell me.
I watched Spider-Plant Man. Very funny. Quite a few famous British comedians in that piece. Thanks for recommending it.
- Paul
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