For your sixth writing assignment, you will be writing two descriptive paragraphs; one paragraph should describe a show of sadness (crying) and the other should describe a show of anger (rage). Make use of the cumulative sentence form and try to limit each paragraph to no more than 3-4 sentences. Try to alternate between abstract and precise language.
Sadness (Cry)
There was tears on her cheeks, grief on her face, her desperate eyes was moist, gleaming in the light. She pulled her knees towards her chest and buried her head in between her kneecaps, trying not to let out any audible sniffs as the tears burned in her eyes, but she could not stop her shoulders from trembling nor her small, fragile body from shaking. Hush, come here, let me wipe your tears away, I'll always be here with you and I'll never leave you... then she said sssssssh, and whispered through her uneven breaths, “ you've said all that before.”
Anger (Rage)
In a paroxysm of outburst, I yank the faded photograph of my mother and I, leaving her staring in disbelief at the glass frame that was shattered beyond repair. There, was our trust, smashed into pieces just like the photo frame. Why didn't she tell me I had a real mother, or that I was freaking unwanted just like everybody else? If only I was a child, then I could convince myself that everything miserable will bloody stop dead if you just don't talk about it.
#1 (a tearful story)
He collapsed into a chair, his gallant silhouette trembling, breathing heavily, lifting up his left hand to cover his mouth, trying to cease the weeping, but only to see more crystal-liked tears dropped down from his repentant eyes. His blurry vision distorted the long grayish aisles like the devil branches extending arms to his throat which felt smothering and punishing. Slowly he saw a lady moving clumsily toward him, his breathing getting heavily, he sorely struggled with words to explain the car accident should not have happened last night.
#2 (an angry story)
Julia could not wait for the door opened, rushing to the front door and grabbing John’s arms tightly, asked him whether he had heard any words from the police. She roughly shook him back and forth, but only to get the silent. With such great disappointing frustration, she stared at him with inflaming eyes burning out the last oxygen in the room. Furiously shook her head and overwhelming by this hopeless, Julia buried her head into her hands wishing the coldness of the finger tips can calm her down. However, her mind was jammed with all kinds of cruel bloody kidnapping sense which made her feel that she was going to explore the next minute.
Watching people coming and going, getting on and off, he sat, motionlessly, staring south, his moist eyes slowly following the aged steam train, going farther and farther, fading into a vague dot, finally disappearing with the winding track in the snow-covered woods. The blowing wind in the late winter made him bury himself into his thick wool coat, deeply, and deeply in his hat. Looking down, his eyes meeting the worn-out leather suitcase beneath the platform bench, he recalled leaving his hometown twenty-five years ago with this very suitcase, his shoulders trembling, shaking with low mourning weep, his head burying deeper in between both elbows on the knees, tears dropping on the leather, soaking gradually, marking dark brown dots on it. Sitting slowly straight up, warm steamy breath sobbing out from his nose and mouth, his cheeks stung by the chillness of the icy wind blowing, he gazed longingly up the gloomy sky in the twilight, musing over his wandering life journey, snow flakes melting in his rolling tears.
She furled her brow, her watery eyes shining, tears rolling, dropping on the lollipop in her right hand, fists held tightly and tensely, shaking violently, her wide-opened mouth twintching, gathering up her strength, wailing out loud for the half on the floor. She stepped forth near the half, stamping her foot in anger, her head slightly leaning rightwards with her lips pouting, frowning, staring hard at the baby Labrodor, crumbing it, eyes turning redder, sobbing faintingly. She plopped onto the carpet, pointing her finger at the puppy, whimpering and yelling with a high pitch, an hardly understood language, a non-stopping sentence. Feet rubbing back and forth on the carpet, head shaking left and right, almost throwing the broken lollipop at the puppy, suddenly, she stopped; she wiped the tears with her sleeves, licking the candy with her eyes closed.
I walked outside and stare at the sky, looking at the bright stars, suddenly all the memories flowing in my head, a tear drop goes down my eye and I wonder why. Sometime memories make me feel dead, it breaks my heart and it makes me sad. I know that I need to forget what happened in the past, because all the happiness I used to have it’s all gone and it will never come back again. But some memories could not be obliterated. I pray that some day somehow things will get better. I wish one day all the memories from the past could fade away and only time could ease the pain inside my broken heart.
I desperately want this nightmare to end, I need to get out and I have to break free. But it all seems to be so hopeless. I resent my life and I resent everything that happened to me that seems to be unfair. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong and I can’t bear it anymore. What can I do? The World does not care, I endure the path in my life, it’s a long journey and I am all alone.
The naughty Jimmy grabbed little Mary’s lollipop, a huge circle just like the rolling Ferris wheel with various color of rainbow. Mary used all her strength against Jimmy’s increasing force, and her fingers were bending like the stuck knob of a shutting door. Jimmy was irritated by the tenacious defiance of her, pulling out the lollipop out of her hand in a sudden force, along the path of trajectory in the air, rising, stopping, and finally falling and crushing on the ground. With a moment of silence, tears accumulated from the corner of the little girl’s eyes, beautiful eyes, like the dews collected in the morning on the yet warming leaves, gathering enough momentum, dripping, dropping, cascading with the ready-burst effusion, then boom!, like the falling of the spring rain, or the crashing of the dam, saturating each pasture along its way. Jimmy was shocked by the event with confusion, not knowing whether to react with the arrogance of a conqueror, or to be convinced by the emerging feeling of sin, yet he cannot recognize it, running away as fast as he could, leaving the weeping girl and the debris of the rainbow, covered with the dust and particles on the sandy ground.
Hanging up the phone, John’s head just like a shore slapping by the fierce wave of storm, his hair bristled and erected with the shape of thunder, his feast clenching and trembling, his eyes wide opened and rounded, ready to search everything to destroy. He grabbed a pot right beside him and threw it to wall, the pot bumped with a huge sound like the thunderclap in the early spring, mixed with the sound of the rush rain beating against the window, the regular scenario of the season.
Dear Paul,
Please ignore the other paragraph about "Anger". This is the second edition - revised.
She furled her brow, her watery eyes shining, tears rolling, dropping on the lollipop in her right hand, tensely held fists shaking, her lips pouting, mouth twitching, gathering up her strength, wailing out loud for the half on the floor. She stepped forth near the half, stamping her foot in anger, her head slightly leaning rightwards, frowning, staring hard at the baby Labrodor, crumbing the lollipop, her face turning redder, sobbing faintingly. She plopped onto the carpet, pointing her finger at the puppy, whimpering and yelling with a high pitch, a hardly understood child language, a non-stopping sentence. Feet rubbing back and forth on the carpet, head shaking left and right, almost throwing the hand held broken lollipop at the puppy- suddenly, she stopped; she noticed the lollipop again, and watching it like meeting a new friend, smiling, licking it with the tears still rolling.
The season is changing; watery eyes, running nose and never ending sneezes was about to kill me. Piles of tissues became a small mountain on the top of my desk. “A-Chu!” A strong sneeze came from nowhere, my tears gushed out unconsciously. Before long, I then realized that the tissue I bought an hour ago were all gone.
I hate being cheated. He acted strangely this morning; the way he looked at me seemed vaguely, his topic kept jumping around, he stared at some subjects when his kind of stammer talking. I can tell he is very nervous in some way. Obviously, he is lying to me again.
To somebody's needs. You only listen attentively and give support. But don’t get involved into it, when you transmit a bad news to someone. She may be silent or shed tears. I prefer seeing the tears. If life is a miracle. Death also only alike. I have been thinking how the final result will be. But my eye-sockets are suffused with tears. This time I just let tears run down my cheeks, the above effect I got after read the novel(Ashes)writer by Sandor Marai, Who was born in Republic of Hungary
The recent news about adulterated food products make people unpleasant and angry, Adulterated salt ,yogurt, soybean curd, rice wine, etc. were found by the dozens in Taiwan, Those food products containing dangerous amounts of preservatives are developing cancer or even deadly, According to the W H O report(DIALYSIS)population rate in Taiwan is among the top 5 in the world, We are angry the government has not taken severe attitude to punish those who are responsible for it. We believe this is main reason。 Regina
Tightening her lips, turning the head to the side, skinny arms holding together on her back, keeping her spine straight, she doesn't want to lose but tears just drop and can't stop.
She doesn't want the others to know,know that she does cry,does feel weak and vulnerable in the night when she was alone by her own. And now she have lost and lost everything what she had left -the pride.
She sit in the kitchen, drinking her morning coffee, smile slowly appearing on her face.
"She was four, wearing a white dress and bright red shoes like a little princess, today was her birthday. " she couldn't remember all the details,but...the last memory... "her curly redish hair dancing in the air, bright red shoes short legs kicking from her princess like dress, both hands clenching as a fist moving, her waist grabbing by a stronge lady who was her teacher, and staring at the boy who made her so angry. " John,the boy, is her husband now just giving her big hug , sweet kiss, saying good-bye and leaving for the job. She just loves all the memories what they have together.
Sheba’s crying and anger:
1. Crying
In well-pressed Burberry blue-checked shirt and mud-spotted Armani blue jeans, face in his palms, his long curly dark hair beautifully hanging down on his thick neck, on his knees by the Mercedes, his sturdy square shoulders shivering fitfully, from his mouth he murmured something hardly heard. Bending over his well-built body on the floor abruptly, pounding the floor with his right fist violently, howling out “Why?” painfully, his face was soaked in water.
2. Anger
Max bent his head down, standing wide apart on his tiny feet rooted on the floor, pouting his thick little mouth, staring at the floor with his long small bloodshot eyes, rocking his short body, pounding his thighs in a 4/4 beat with his chubby fists, a wickedly fearful little monster. His puffy-cheeked face reddened with a grotesque look, kind of funny, his stomp having a hilarious hip pop tempo full of hostile sentiments, a totally spoiled villainous hoodlum.
Crying (Sadness)
Waking up early, it was quiet and peace. She couldn’t keep sleeping without knowing why, walking slowly out from the room, and feeling her hot tear welling up in her eyes. Her sixth sense told her there might some misfortune approaching in any minute. She got a migraine and a sore throat, looking sorrowful, feeling her teardrops falling on her face as if she could taste the salty sea. Sneezing crazily forced all the tears to spurt out like torrential rain with rapid heart beats. She’s thinking how bad it could be. The phone rang and she was shocking what she heard just now, hanging up the phone. Her nose grew numbed, and tears were unstoppable. Looking at the mirror, her eyes turned into scary red eyes, seeing things blurrily. Busy wiping the tears and blowing the nose at the same time, she was thinking how this could happen. Taking an airplane back home immediately, she didn’t want to face it, but she had to confront this deep sadness. She was standing, struggling to walk into her grandma’s funeral.
Anger (Rage)
It was a tiring day after work; one of my feet hurt and I couldn’t stand and walk for any longer. The station was crammed with commuters, travelers, and any other people I don’t know where they came from. Ready to transfer to another train by taking a deep breath, I tried to pass through the “human wall,” like a fierce football player. Blocking on my way, my shoulders struck another’s felt painful. My bag was stuck between passengers keeping pushing forward. Using all my strength to take my bag back, everything slipped out from it such as makeup, glasses and folders. Everything was out of control and outrageous. I grabbed my things back, getting on the jam-packed train, standing between the crowd.
People getting off the train pushed me out and people getting on the train squeezed me in. I had nowhere to breathe, and my feet killed me. It should have taken only 10 minutes, but it seemed to take 5 times as long. God, can anyone do something for this situation?
Long months passed before he could remember without deep pain and oppression the tranquil charm of her gait, her deportment,her facial expression,her smile, all the thousand details which in mysterious combination fed his love and that came to life when he saw her yesterday. Something moved deep inside him,"I'm not going to cry,"he said himself,rose and walked back and forth in the room with moist, radiant eyes and small feverish spots on his cheeks."I won't cry'"he said quietly,tears streaming down his face when he whispered her name.
A phone call:
I has called your store so many times for our washing machine, and you said you are going to fix it last monday. Today is monday morning 9:00Am again, and i'm not sure you will be appear front of my door or not.If it's not please come here to bring back your goddamn machine back,and pay back my money include my laundry fee during last two weeks.
Mr.Bob, please don't forget that When you sent the machine here,it hadn't work at all,and unluckily for you, all my neighbors know that.
Sadness (Cry)
I haven't allowed myself to cry but this time I didn't know how to stop crying. Is only left over a pair of bloody shoes.
Anger (Rage)
I cried,” Why I must hand wash my uniform and clothes. Washing machines… Why don’t you go buy it.” With wrinkle eyes, Mom cried,” No, no need at all to buy washing machines of any kind. It is part of the daily pilgrim routine to wash what you were wearing, and to wash clothes then hang them up.” I cried, “I really do hate you.”
1. I realized the most frightening backlash to anger was not simply roaring or banging the moment when he brought a storm of silence into the office. His flaming eyes lased through every corner of the room, meeting every pair of peaceful eyes carefully as if we had surreptitiously trespassed his property; his nostrils expanded and contracted in an irregular heavy pace, breathing fiercely like a patient suffering from an asthma attack; his dried and pale lips choked mercilessly on each other, almost forming an integration; and along with his clenching jaw, his teeth violently wrestled against one another as if they were on a match point between life and death. He stood there still, angrily anticipating someone who was brave enough to pause his game of silence.
2. She tried hard to look calm because she knew it was coming, but warm drops of tear began to blur her vision and fell down uncontrollably without even contacting a pore on her skin. She started to sob quietly little by little, then finally allowed herself to burst into a loud cry when she gently lifted his body into her chest. She mumbled softly as she was wiping off the tears that landed on his lifeless body, childishly wishing to see him wag his tail for just one more time.
I caged my dog because she chewed the shoes I have to wear this night for the meeting. When my finger pointed at the cage and I shouted “Going to your house!” She sat down quickly and looked at me with her begging eyes; her ear was hanging down, tail was no more swing, but I still caged her. Then she made the depressed, poor, trembling whine in the cage; I seem to see the tears dropped from her eyes.
I ran into my boyfriend was kissing my best friend at the toilet in the company. My heart was beating quickly, my hand was sweating; I clenched my fist and asked “What are you doing?” I didn’t realize the excuses he said, because when he said this excuse, I felt a little faint, I couldn’t think anything. I wanted to throw all the things I can reach to him, give him an attack, and fight to my best friend, but I didn’t. I bite my mouth, tears inside my eyes; I took a deep breath and ran out the toilet.
Crying, a vehicle to relive our suffering and channel our pressure when we are faced with huge frustration from work or interpersonal relationship, will be triggered by; foe example, a tragic scene on TV, a warm hug from our loved ones, or a few words of consolation. Scientists advance that it is hormone that influences the lachrymal gland, which, when our mood is stirred by such emotions as sadness, anger, or distress, will secrete tears. However, from a research involving 3,000 participants, psychologists explicate that crying, like a dose of tranquilizer, calms the body which enters a state of arousal when a person is upset or in distress with heart rates going up, and excessive sweating setting in. While crying, breath normalizes and the heart rate slowly reverts to normal, causing the calming effect crying is famous for.
Anger, a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional), can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss. According to psychoanalysis, the types of pain doesn’t matter, what matters is - unpleasant is the pain combined with some anger-triggering thought including personal assessments, assumptions, evaluations, or interpretations of situations that makes people think that someone else is attempting (consciously or not) to hurt them. In this sense, anger is a social emotion; you always have a target that your anger is directed against (even if that target is yourself). Feelings of pain, combined with anger-triggering thoughts motivate you to take action, face threats and defend yourself by striking out against the target you think is causing you pain.
Unmani crying
The lady bit her lips tight, trying to move her arms perfectly with rhythm, twisting her spine with stiff muscles, bending in 60 degrees angles backward. Far more beyond her ability, she tried again and again to get 50 degrees as soon as she can, slowly like no progression, turning gray pearl face. She made a strong push, bending backward in her will, rolling down the tiny water at the brow and the corner of the eyes, like she used to do without giving up. Her black-white picture hung there on the mirrow with perfect 45 degrees in her first ballet champion,1970.
They tied the ropes on the throats’ of another aboriginal people in the early morning, killing in silence, shooting one after another with spears, well-executed, firing the houses of these people, destroying their roots. A fighting back aboriginal man saw a man threw an infant on the ground, with a cold and cruel smile, bloody eyes in the hollow eye-sockets sucking more kill through their out-of-control hands, raising the dead baby like a prize . He cried out loud with firm fists, gnashed his teeth when his wife was taken to a hut, struggling escape, shouting for help, sexual abused.
Sadness (cry)
She abide tardy by his steps, he halting at the corner of the store, they both silently, he turning around spoken to her “I am going to the ABC street”. She nodded her head, they both walking together on the CBC street. During the way to ABC street, he told her that he had studied at catholic school when he was little, she just listening without any reply, and then he kept saying some thing, like the same she still listing without any reply. He saw a challenged man hampering their way, he walking gently let the man go first, she following his steps. She halted at a door of store at ABC street, both of their eyes were full of tears, they staring at each other for minutes, finally without saying goodbye he left. Before she opened the door of the store a drop of tear falling from her cheek.
At a café she drank black coffee immediately, he was so astonished staring at her for a minute, then abruptly said a word “Do you feel bitter?” she only laughing at him, “ Do you feel bitter?” this time he bawled out. She halted her laughing and opening her round eyes looking at him. “If I drink coffee I will put sugar and milk” he said softly “I like milk too, but I prefer drink milk alone.” said the girl. “I can’t drink milk alone because my stomach is not very good”, said the boy bitterly. They went up stairs, coming out the café, he showing gloomy facial expression, bending down his back. “I go another way” said him sulky face.
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