Ok, all you die-hard romantics - here's something to sink your teeth into.
Throughout many countries and cultures, there is an idea that each person has a "soul mate", otherwise called "The One." Where this idea sprung from is anybody's guess, but what is certain is that it continues to be the basis of every romantic comedy ever made for film or TV. So let us see if romance still has it's mythic power over us, or if romance is truly dead and sadly buried.
Do you believe in "The One"?
Ha, "soul" "mate". When it's a "mate", no "soul."
BTW, I saw the rap video that you and Alvin did. I'm thinking it's kinda "funny" for you OCHISAN did it. I hope that you didn't twist your waists.
Next time, try Snow White.
-- Cynical Sheba of the other world
I always thought it was interesting that "checkmate" in chess means "game over." Glad you liked the video Sheba. I think Snow White and her rapping dwarves could work.... The question is, who gets to play Snow White?
-- Cynical Paul of this world
it's hard to say if there is really one true soul mate. There may be one but we never get to know him/her. It's all in the hands of fate. :p
As to the people already in relationship, i suggest not to think about this question... it's not healthy to self-torture...
"What if" is a very dangerous question... think abt it after you break up!! Haha!
Ahh, but if we never asked "what if" don't you think we might be giving up the opportunity for greatness? If we forego that, we may all sink into mediocrity. Surely all the great figures of history asked the question "What if.."
On the subject of sef-torture, I believe it was Sartre who said other people are a kind of torture. I don't think he would have been much fun at parties.
"what if....?" Some movie lines remain in my head.. it's from "time machine" said by the disguesting leader of the moorlocks man-eating group. it's not a very good movie but strangly i always remember it and it carved on my mind that this question is dangerous, the bad movie scared me!! :(
i think it's nice that some people are willing to remain normal, this world would be too busy if everyone is trying to be special. I like the world as it is so i can admire the great few ones :) But i agree that it's those great figures helped many progress in history. At the same time sometimes i feel sorry that civilization had to get so complicated :P
i like satre , i think what he said was "other people are hell" it's worse than torture ... and i agree he is a nerd. ha.
Well if we are going to be completely faithful, the quote is "Hell is other people." Nevertheless, your point is well made. He is a nerd.
Your thoughts regarding whether we all ought to strive to be special or not are interesting. Perhaps that could be the subject of another post. Food for thought.
- Paul
It is interesting to read the philosophical conversations.
I have two things about the blogs. First, I am tired to read the comments that I have read again and again. Can I read the newest comments from the top?
The other question is that how I find the newest comments added to an issue, even to an older issue? Or do you delete old issues after a while? Thanks a lot.
To answer your first question, I'm afraid you need to scroll down through the old comments before you can read new ones - sorry.
Regarding your second question, you scroll down to the bottom of the main page to where it says:
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Clicking on that will, I believe, inform you by email when new posts (and perhaps new comments) have been posted. I haven't thoroughly examined it yet, so you'll need to experiment a little.
I'm glad you're enjoying the topics.
I would like to ask some qestions after I read this topic.
1. What does it mean "something to sink your teeth into?"
2. What is "hell is other people?" What did Sartre mean when he said other people are a kind of torture.
3. Is Sartre a nerd? What do you mean?
I enjoy the topics here. They are interesting (and a little dificult) but they provides me more chances to read and write English.
By the way I failed to subscribe after I followed your instrutions. I will try again.
Thanks. Mei-ling
"Sink your teeth into something" generally means "to try." You can use it in reference to food. ex) "Sink you teeth into that steak." It can also be used in reference to other things one might consume, for example, books and ideas.
As for Satre, he really meant other people are a kind of torture similar to that of Hell. Hell is a place of eternal punishment and Satre felt other people frequently serve that same purpose on earth.
As for calling him a nerd, we are just slightly mocking him. A nerd is typically someone who is too bookish. Satre fits that category.
I'm really pleased that the blog is being used this way and I also appreciate you all taking the time to read, think and write something to share. Great questions Mei-Ling.
- Paul
p.s. I noticed that on the right side of the page under: Choose an identity, there is a box that says "Email follow-up comments to:" If you check that box, the blog will email you when new comments have been added.
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